NIP’s Joe Mazzafro Mentioned in Dispatches


General Mike Hayden, USAF-Ret., and former Director of CIA and NSA, references the latest MazzInt Blog  by title in his ”Washington Times OpEd" that will run June on Wed 30 June!
He doesn't mention it, but the December 2015 MazzInt Blog dealt with the dangers of ”politicized intelligence” as epitomized by the open allegations of intelligence manipulation by the CENTCOM J2  (How Would You Like Your ?Intel Prepared Sir?)   with which he closes his OpEd.
Mike alerted Joe by sending a note, saying “I took the liberty of reflecting a recent question of yours. It will  appear in the Washington Times Wednesday.” Here is the banner and the link to the full article:
Joe notes that Mike has seen and warned about the creditability problem that the IC has gotten itself into for a variety reasons going back to the  flawed NIE on Iraqi WMDs, which gives any policy maker a pass to disregard high confidence intel assessments. The IC leadership cannot see nor accept that the brand of US intelligence is tarnished and needs to be turned?around. We all know the sense of "self congratulation" with in the IC leadership is not the way organizations improve.
NIP is proud of the role our members - and particularly ones as astute and well-regarded as Joe- have through publications such as AFCEA’s SIGNAL magazine and this humble web portal.
- Ed.